About Us

Lean Seek help you find elite and diverse talent for your leadership & teams using our AI driven platform.

Lean Seek isn’t just a business it’s a social movement. Our purpose is to close the gender pay gap.

Your business problem

You find it hard to build diversity into your leadership team. It’s tough to find the right mix of people, with the right mix of skills.

The Solution: What we do for YOU

  • Lean Seek finds diverse talent for senior technology roles
  • We built and use our proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) talent identification platform:
    • it makes talent search way more efficient (300%+)
    • it makes talent matching way more effective (= better retention)
    • it matches based on all of:
      • technical skills (e.g. Java, Python, CSS3, AWS)
      • business skills (e.g. Lean, Agile, Kanban, HCD)
      • psychographic (e.g. collaborates, negotiates, creative)

The social problem

  • in Australia, the average woman retires with half the retirement savings of the average man
  • in general, the average woman earns 20.1% less than the average man
  • in financial services, the average woman earns 26.2% less than the average man
  • at Deloitte, the average woman earns 46% less than the average man (credit to them for publishing this)
  • Only 6.8% of CEOs are women
  • Only 6.8% of corporate boards have more than 40% women

It’s not just unfair, it’s bad for the economy. It’s bad for everyone.

The Solution: What we do for EQUALITY

  • We practice what we preach
    • Lean seek mostly hire staff who need flexible work to allow for carer responsibilities
    • Staff co-own and share in the success of the business
  • We invest a significant percentage of our revenues to:
    • advocate and close the gender pay gap
    • invest in women founders
    • offer training & mentoring to women

Find out more at:

Lean Seek LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lean-seek/

Lean Seek Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/leanseek

Lean Seek Twitter Pagehttps://twitter.com/leanseek

Lean Seek Medium Pagehttps://medium.com/@leanseek

Lean Seek Home Pagehttp://www.leanseek.com

Lean Seek Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/leanseek/

Lean Seek Pinterest Pagehttps://www.pinterest.com.au/leanseek/

Lean Seek Git Hub Page: https://github.com/leanseek

Lean Seek Tumblr Pagehttps://leanseek.tumblr.com

Lean Seek Reddit Page: https://www.reddit.com/user/leanseek

Lean Seek MySpace Pagehttps://myspace.com/leanseek

Lean Seek About.Me Pagehttps://about.me/leanseek

Lean Seek WordPress Pagehttps://leanseek.wordpress.com/

Lean Seek Flickr Pagehttps://www.flickr.com/people/leanseek/

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